Well done mister, I'm reading your words like theyre my own, and wishing you the best of luck.. Youre not alone man...
Captain Blithering
JoinedPosts by Captain Blithering
Surrounded - Yet All Alone at the same Time
by offgrid5150 ini've been lurking for a while,but figured i'd introduce myself.
i was born in, and i'm 30 years old.
it's hard to just read as a guest, and not share with anyone eventually.
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Thanks gingerbread , of course you're right, but it does feel good ranting occasionally !
This is one of the things that galls me so much right now, that i cant talk with my pretty half about it. Not yet anyway..
Prayers that are heard. Fuel for a vehicle - YUP. Save us from death - NAH.
by Captain Blithering ini spoke to a ms the other day, trying to get his opinion on the wt we'd just studied at the meeting.
the paragraph where the co didn't know if he had enough money to afford gas for a trip, he prayed and went anyway, and someone donated the exact amount to cover his trip.. my question to the ms was - the wt clearly are saying jah answered that prayer, yet there were a couple dozen jw's sheltering in a kh in the philippines, undoubtedly praying, yet they all died in the hurricane.
how's that work, how can jah answer some prayers but not others?.
Captain Blithering
Doc - that's a great quote, I'll definitely try to remember that one when this comes up again..
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Oh oh...
Just gorn and done it AGAIN!!
Spent about an hour with two customers in their office having a good old whinge at the WT's expense!
Feels GOOD to get it off my chest and to help others realise that JW's aren't as benign as they appear. They even told me to work out a couple of 'witness-stumper' questions to ask them next time they knock on their doors..
(no don't, I'm enjoying this!)
#3 talk tonight
by wallsofjericho inanyone else have a #3 talk tonight?
i wrote a talk but i don't like it.. anyone have one written they wanna post?
i'll show you mine if you show me yours!
Captain Blithering
you ROCK.
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Cheers quellycatface, our cong ain't as bad as that, it's quite tolerable really... Some really good decent folk. I think that's what's making the long option doable.. And searcher, my customers won't say anything, and if someone tells on my non tract reporting and I actually get in trouble for it, then I'll cross that ridiculously contemptible Bridge when I come to it!
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Thanks Suraj, i'm not bothered about reproof at all, i just want to not disappoint my family and yet wake the missus up. Time i slowed down i think. And kate, my missus has noticed the difference in me since i stepped down, she likes me much more now, and she can see im happier. Shes not at all bothered about position in the cong. We have a right laugh during the meetings, and we have a couple of decent friends in the org although we're not very social creatures.. I suppose everyones different, different things work for different people. I cant believe ive known ttatt for nearly a year now, time flies, so whats another couple years? too long thats what!
Prayers that are heard. Fuel for a vehicle - YUP. Save us from death - NAH.
by Captain Blithering ini spoke to a ms the other day, trying to get his opinion on the wt we'd just studied at the meeting.
the paragraph where the co didn't know if he had enough money to afford gas for a trip, he prayed and went anyway, and someone donated the exact amount to cover his trip.. my question to the ms was - the wt clearly are saying jah answered that prayer, yet there were a couple dozen jw's sheltering in a kh in the philippines, undoubtedly praying, yet they all died in the hurricane.
how's that work, how can jah answer some prayers but not others?.
Captain Blithering
I spoke to a MS the other day, trying to get his opinion on the WT we'd just studied at the meeting. The paragraph where the CO didn't know if he had enough money to afford gas for a trip, he prayed and went anyway, and someone donated the exact amount to cover his trip.
My question to the MS was - the WT CLEARLY are saying Jah answered that prayer, yet there were a couple dozen JW's sheltering in a KH in the Philippines, undoubtedly praying, yet they all died in the hurricane. How's that work, how CAN jah answer some prayers but not others?
His reply? It surprised me tbh, he said yes, they shouldn't say things like that, but we must remember the GB are only imperfect men, so they'll say things they shouldn't. I'm going to have to have this convo with him again in the future, and ask him what he thinks to these imperfect men who get things wrong asking him to trust them when it comes to blood.. And whatever batsh*t they're going to come up with in the future that 'may seem unreasonable or unwise from a worldly standpoint'..
Hope I can help him wake up.
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
True dat DD.
Who was it said 'to know who is your leader - ask yourself - who can I not question?
Goodbye and Thank You Jw Net (Last Post)
by Brother Mike ini would like to thank everyone for the discussions that we've all had.
after all of them i have realized, all of you have made me realized that after all of the stuff i have been through, i just need a good friend.
and regardless of how hostile our discussion could get i have felt that you have all shared something with me that have helped me.
Captain Blithering
Seriously BroMike, I was shocked when I first came on here, I suspect it's cos we're so cossetted as JW's, every conversation must be positive, no swearing is ever allowed, we must always tread the middle of the road, not holding any extremes of viewpoints, and always meet others in the middle, trying to see their viewpoint.
The world just isn't like that, people DO hold extreme viewpoints, these viewpoints may differ from ours, and what's more, they may be RIGHT!
I feel that in the org, personalities are dumbed down in a way, we all have to conform to a bland shade of grey, so when we associate with the normal people the contrast is far more visible. It's shocking at first, but you DO get used to it, and start to enjoy the RANGE of people on here!
Celebrate the differences dude!
All the best
the cowardly cap'n